Sunday, November 10, 2013

Memory Work Begins!

I love it when God leads and blesses in my homeschool--which as you know, is MORE than "school."  It's me shepherding these little souls that God has entrusted to my care.

We were already blessed this year by being inspired to start daily read-aloud time. No, other than children's books, I had not ever done a regular read-aloud time. I won't bore you with my list of reasons why.  But my new batch of "littles" (ages 2-8) were definitely ready for it, and we have all been so blessed by our read-aloud time!  I had "shelved" an English Workbook that my 8yo was struggling with, waiting to pull it out after he had grown a bit in his reading skills and wouldn't be so frustrated with it.  I pulled it out this week, and now it is too easy. The read-aloud gave him such a huge boost!  My 4yo picked up an adult book in the doctor's office and started sounding it out--every single word, much to the amazement of the others in the waiting room (and me!).

We started with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and now we are nearly done with Charlotte's Web.  Next on the list, by unanimous vote: Farmer Boy.

Read aloud!  Get on board!  Here's where I got my inspiration.

But the other big "hole" in our homeschooling is about to get filled in, too. Thanks to this inspiring post by Sarah at Amongst Lovely Things, I realized it is time to do memory work. I won't bore you with the reasons why I have not done this before, either.

But I read this post, and it clicked. I knew instantly in the bottom of my heart of hearts that this is what God wanted me to do with my boys.  We started today with The Lord's Prayer.

We will recite it every day until it is memorized, then put it in a notebook, then move on to the next piece for memorization. My next two will be Psalm 23 and the Apostle's Creed.

But, what a blessed lesson! The Holy Spirit was with me and my boys as I expounded on this prayer to them, explaining each phrase and all that it means. They loved it. They ate it up. It blessed our day, and our home.

Even the 2yo joined in!

Yes, they are wearing matching shirts. They all got these at "French Camp" this summer, and have since formed a musical group called "The Eiffel Tower Group." When I called them down for the lesson, they were rehearsing a "show." Watch out, Jonas Brothers! Right?

 Thank you, Lord!

Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory
Forever and ever


  1. Oh this post made me all kinds of happy. I resisted memory work for the longest time because I was the Awana memory queen as a child and don't remember anything I so diligently memorized. Once I discovered the difference between putting something in short term and long term memory, it clicked for me! I much prefer to have my kids (and me!) memorize complete scripture passages or prayers instead of random verses out of context. Anyway, for more inspiration listen to the Memorization and the Soul talk that I linked on my Listen Up post. It's great!


    1. Sarah... we are soul sisters! You just summed up one of the main reasons why I never did memory work with my kids--but I have even more rants about it. But even though I am up early for quiet time (did you inspire me for that, too?), I will not expound on the negative! Thanks for the tip on the talk. Pulling it up to listen to at nap time!

  2. UPDATE: Day 2 of memory work has necessitated a new house rule:

    No "jinxing" for memory work. As you can imagine how it was this morning:

    "Our Father, Who art in heaven,"
    "Hallowed be thy name."

    And so on...
