Monday, January 6, 2014

School Starts Today, with an Artistic "Bang!"

Oh, my.  One thing I love to do in our homeschool is have my children illustrate their own lessons in as many subjects as possible.  The result is priceless--always.

Bible lessons for 2nd semester started with "The Life of Christ."  Lesson 1, "The Annunciation."

As illustrated by Elon, age 5.

How's that for a gender-neutral, "clothed in light" (which we did not discuss, BTW--or maybe it's just an open robe?), complete with "Dorito" wings and green eyes?  Love Mary's bare feet, too.

Better when you see the full effect with the written portion of the lesson.

Every day, my children do a page in an art journal. Sometimes we illustrate from our read-aloud. Sometimes they pick something from a how-to-draw book, or something from around the house, or a favorite illustration in a book.  Today, they used Ed Emberley's "Make a World" drawing book (one of their favorites).  Two went for a camel--adding in various details and background. One went for the "horse."  You'll see.

Camel, by Oli, age 4.  Love the third hump.

Horse, by Elon, age 5.  That's a sleeping bag rolled up on the back of the horse, BTW. I love the crossed legs in front showing the "walking action."

Camel, by Aram, 8. He copied the sleeping  roll idea from the  5yo. Love the falling action of the coconut, and his idea of "blending and texture" on the camel's fur. We'll work on that.

Hope you all have a blessed remainder of your school year. How can I not? I get blessed in this manner every single day!

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